We think French and associate the cuisine with pinnacle excellent which is the case when it comes to techniques, procedures and skills. However, in the process of recipe development somehow vegetarianism seems to have got misplaced beyond salads, steamed vegetable and the universal love for pomme frittes. However, once we venture off the main boulevard menus and away from the big cities, France opens an abundance of flavours from familiar classics of crème brulle to the less known regional cuisines and specialties of Provence, La Cote d’azur and the Loire Valley which include Socca, tian, barbajuans and numerous rémoulade creations. This day workshop concentrates on unveiling some of essentials associated with French cuisines which include correct sauce making procedures, pastry basics, emulsions, desserts and caramels and regional small plate specialties. This workshop is ideal for someone who aspires to learn techniques and procedures that can be applied over a broad culinary spectrum and multiplied manifold.
Note, this workshop if not vegan.