This intense two day 10.00 – 17.00 workshop is designed for semi vegans or vegans who like to expand their repertoire.
So often is the case where a large proportion of ingredients that go into a vegan recipe come from a processed source be it butter, milk or another dairy source. This hands on session unfolds advanced techniques in creating emulsions, butters, milks, creams, and alternatives using raw ingredients from the store cupboard without using artificial enhancers or flavours. We create sophisticated flavours using everyday ingredients applied in a very different and practical way without the need to recreate a mock dairy for instance.
For many it is all too familiar to get into a cycle of repetitive recipes or a slight twist to an existing theme and this workshop aims to break that cycle by sharing some very different cuisines from around the globe.
Whilst the focus remains creating vegan ingredients which are used towards the recipes, other classic skills and techniques are also covered. In addition, it is packed with valuable consumer knowledge, education and the all too often that overlooked part with many recipes – how to present and create an impact on the plate and table.
Life and style is something that is something that is often overlooked when the depth of field is only cooking . Lifestyle guru, Francesco will shares his experience, skills and knowledge on how to organise the perfect dinner soiree and how to add resilience to the recipes so that is dinner is served on time, hot and add special highlights like foams and reductions that add a sparkle to your plates.
Despite the specialist nature of this workshop, it is designed with all experience and abilities in mind as we start from basics on all recipes.